Articles on: WooCommerce

Allow Backorder Field

1. Do not allow

This field will help to set do not allow the back order. The indicator value can be no, false, FALSE, or anything.

For example: Can input any of the value indicators from the feed file for the do not allow. In the below image feed file example, used no as an indicator of do not allow.

2. Allow but notify customer

This field will help to allow the backorder. The indicator value can be notify, false, FALSE, or anything.

For example: Can input any of the value indicators from your feed file for the allow but notify. In the below image feed file example, used notify as an indicator of allow but notify.

3. Allow

This field will help to allow backorder. The indicator value can be yes, no, 0, false, FALSE, or anything.

For example: Can input any of the value indicators from your feed file for the allow backorder. In the below image feed file example, used yes as an allow the backorder.

Updated on: 12/01/2024

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