Articles on: BigCommerce

Current Stock Level

Available on: ✔️ Add ✔️ Update ✔️ Export

There are a few settings for this field, which are:

1. Quantity Rules

There are a few types of Quantity Rules that you can choose from. You can see the example below:

Condition (If)ValueQuantityResult Showing
< Less Than50All quantities <Less than 5 will display as 0
> Greater Than1015All products with > Greater than 10 quantities will be displayed as 15
<= Less than or Equal305All products with <= Less than or equal 30 will be displayed as 5
>= Greater than or Equal2050All products with >= Greater than or Equal 20 will be displayed as 50
EqualHIGH10Products described in words such as HIGH is Equal to 10
Start WithIncoming0" Incoming 11 July" can be read as Start With Incoming to be displayed as 0
End Withdelivered0" ... delivered" can be read as End With delivered to be displayed as 0
Range20-5020Any quantity Range between 20 and 50 will be displayed as 20
AdvancedQuantity<50current_quantityAll the product quantities with < Less than 50 from the feed file will be displayed as the store quantity
With Formula-10Quantity With formula +10 will be added to the current quantity. Quantity refers to quantity from the feed file Current quantity refers to quantity from the Shopify Store.
Empty-0You can set the Empty column to 0
Match Any-15Set all products to be displayed as 15 with Match Any

2. Deduct Quantity from a column within a feed file

For example: If have 2 columns for quantity. One column is for quantity and another column is for sold quantity. If want to update the store product's quantity as quantity (5) - sold quantity (3) = 2. It will be updated product quantity as 2.

In this field, should put the sold quantity column's index e.g col3, and in the field mapping of quantity put the quantity column.

3. Quantity Delimiter

This field allows us to set the delimiter as needed, with auto as the default.

For example: If your feed file's stock value is separated by commas (20,30) you can set it as ,

Updated on: 14/03/2024

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