Export products to eMag Marketplace
Export the products to Emag Marketplace with Stock Sync. Just choose on eMag Marketplace template after export products to external destination.
It's only available in Shopify
Go to New Setup > Choose Export products to external destination
Choose or search for eMag Marketplace template.

Please fill in your Username & Password to the respective field.
Click Next to the Matching Column section.
These are the available fields that can be exported with Stock Sync.
It's only available in Shopify
Go to New Setup > Choose Export products to external destination
Choose or search for eMag Marketplace template.

Please fill in your Username & Password to the respective field.
Click Next to the Matching Column section.
These are the available fields that can be exported with Stock Sync.
Fields | Value |
SKU | part_number |
Description | description |
price | sale_price |
Vendor | brand |
quantity | stock |
product title | name |
Weight | weight |
Barcode | ean |
Updated on: 22/03/2024
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