Stock Quantity (WooCommerce)
Available on: ✔️ Add ✔️ Update ✔️ Export
By mapping to multiple columns, the total sum of the columns will be updated as the Quantity.
When the quantity column consist of 50 in stock as value, it will read the quantity and ignored the other characters. No need to apply quantity rules for this.

There are a few settings for this field, which are:
List of inventory locations available in store. It can used to update products to a specific location only. Stock Sync does not support multiple locations. Each feed updates to a single location.
Please note that in order to set the location, you must install the Stock Location for WooCommerce plugin. Learn more here.

For example: If the products of the feed is to be updated on a location Paris, click on the dropdown and select the location Paris.
There are a few types of Quantity Rules that you can choose from. You can see the example below:

When a product's inventory is tracked in WooCommerce, the available inventory quantity at a location is updated automatically when receiving a transfer that includes the product.
Please note that it will be ignored if Stock Management field mapped.

For example: To enable the Stock Management in the product option in WooCommerce, this option needs to be enabled.
Determine the low stock level here and turn on the notification in the preference tab. Preferences -> Notifications -> Low Stock Alert. You will receive notifications through email on products that have low stock levels.

For example: If you set the level as 5. When the process is completed, Stock Sync will send a email notification of products which has stock 5 or below.
The quantity in store is overwritten with the quantity available in the feed.

For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Then the updated quantity = 15
This option will sum up the quantity from the feed with the quantity in the store.

Disable Out of Stock Strategy on Step 4, to sum up duplicate SKUs in your feed file.
For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Then the updated quantity = 35
By selecting this option, you can only deduct from the current quantity. By default, this option is not selected and it will not deduct.

For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Then the updated quantity = 5
This option is used to sum up the quantity of duplicate SKUs that is present in the feed and overwrite the quantity in store. To enable this option, the sum up with the existing quantity option needs to be enabled.

For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Duplicate SKU quantity = 10 | Then the updated quantity = 25
For example: If have 2 columns for quantity. One column is for quantity and another column is for sold quantity. If want to update the store product's quantity as quantity (5) - sold quantity (3) = 2. It will be updated product quantity as 2.

In this field, should put the sold quantity column's index e.g col3, and in the field mapping of quantity put the quantity column.
This option allows you to set the delimiter for quantity values using either a comma or a decimal point.

For example: If you want to set a different delimiter, you can use this option to do so.
By mapping to multiple columns, the total sum of the columns will be updated as the Quantity.
When the quantity column consist of 50 in stock as value, it will read the quantity and ignored the other characters. No need to apply quantity rules for this.

There are a few settings for this field, which are:
1. Location
List of inventory locations available in store. It can used to update products to a specific location only. Stock Sync does not support multiple locations. Each feed updates to a single location.
Please note that in order to set the location, you must install the Stock Location for WooCommerce plugin. Learn more here.

For example: If the products of the feed is to be updated on a location Paris, click on the dropdown and select the location Paris.
2. Quantity Rules
There are a few types of Quantity Rules that you can choose from. You can see the example below:

Condition (If) | Value | Quantity | Result Showing |
< Less Than | 5 | 0 | All quantities <Less than 5 will display as 0 |
> Greater Than | 10 | 15 | All products with > Greater than 10 quantities will be displayed as 15 |
<= Less than or Equal | 30 | 5 | All products with <= Less than or equal 30 will be displayed as 5 |
>= Greater than or Equal | 20 | 50 | All products with >= Greater than or Equal 20 will be displayed as 50 |
Equal | HIGH | 10 | Products described in words such as HIGH is Equal to 10 |
Start With | Incoming | 0 | " Incoming 11 July" can be read as Start With Incoming to be displayed as 0 |
End With | delivered | 0 | " ... delivered" can be read as End With delivered to be displayed as 0 |
Range | 20-50 | 20 | Any quantity Range between 20 and 50 will be displayed as 20 |
Advanced | Quantity<50 | current_quantity | All the product quantities with < Less than 50 from the feed file will be displayed as the store quantity |
With Formula | - | 10 | Quantity With formula +10 will be added to the current quantity. Quantity refers to quantity from the feed file Current quantity refers to quantity from the Shopify Store. |
Empty | - | 0 | You can set the Empty column to 0 |
Match Any | - | 15 | Set all products to be displayed as 15 with Match Any |
3. Stock Management
When a product's inventory is tracked in WooCommerce, the available inventory quantity at a location is updated automatically when receiving a transfer that includes the product.
Please note that it will be ignored if Stock Management field mapped.

For example: To enable the Stock Management in the product option in WooCommerce, this option needs to be enabled.
4. Low Stock Alert
Determine the low stock level here and turn on the notification in the preference tab. Preferences -> Notifications -> Low Stock Alert. You will receive notifications through email on products that have low stock levels.

For example: If you set the level as 5. When the process is completed, Stock Sync will send a email notification of products which has stock 5 or below.
5. Overwrite existing quantity
The quantity in store is overwritten with the quantity available in the feed.

For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Then the updated quantity = 15
6. Add/Deduct with existing quantity
This option will sum up the quantity from the feed with the quantity in the store.

Disable Out of Stock Strategy on Step 4, to sum up duplicate SKUs in your feed file.
For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Then the updated quantity = 35
7. Only deduct from the existing quantity
By selecting this option, you can only deduct from the current quantity. By default, this option is not selected and it will not deduct.

For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Then the updated quantity = 5
8. Set existing quantity in store to 0 before updating
This option is used to sum up the quantity of duplicate SKUs that is present in the feed and overwrite the quantity in store. To enable this option, the sum up with the existing quantity option needs to be enabled.

For example: If the store quantity = 20 | And the feed quantity = 15 | Duplicate SKU quantity = 10 | Then the updated quantity = 25
9. Deduct Quantity from a column within a feed file
For example: If have 2 columns for quantity. One column is for quantity and another column is for sold quantity. If want to update the store product's quantity as quantity (5) - sold quantity (3) = 2. It will be updated product quantity as 2.

In this field, should put the sold quantity column's index e.g col3, and in the field mapping of quantity put the quantity column.
10. Quantity Delimiter
This option allows you to set the delimiter for quantity values using either a comma or a decimal point.

For example: If you want to set a different delimiter, you can use this option to do so.
Updated on: 14/01/2025
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