Articles on: Shopify

Managing Inventory Location

Inventory location can be found in the Available Quantity field's extra setting.
Is it possible to synchronize inventory across multiple locations for pick-up location purposes?

1. Location

List of inventory locations available in store. Used to update products to a specific location only. Stock Sync does not support multiple locations. Each feed updates to a single location.

For example: If the products of the feed is to be updated on a location Paris, click on the dropdown and select the location Paris.

2. Auto add stock to location if not there (✔️ Update)

By default, Stock Sync will auto add product stock to a location even if the product was not stocked in that location. 

Disabling it, Stock Sync would not add the product to the location where it was not stocked. 

For example:If product A in the feed is not stocked on the location London. By default, product A will be added to location London with the quantity from the feed.

If this option is unavailable at your Shopify store, please contact our support team for assistance with enabling it.

Updated on: 04/06/2024

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