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Advanced Settings for Update Feed

Auto Publish / Hide

For this feature, Track inventory needs to be enabled. You can find this option in Stock Sync too, it is under the Quantity setting.

1. Auto Publish Products

It only publishes the product for the variant quantity more than zero.

(a) Do not apply: Don't make any changes

For example: If don't want to make any changes to publish the products you can select this as no changes.

(b) All products in store: Auto publish all products in store if any one of the variants has a quantity of more than zero.

For example: In your store having 50 products that have more than zero quantity, it will publish all the 50 products in your store.

(c) Matching products within a feed file: Auto publish all matching products within the feed file, but the variant quantity should be more than zero.

For example: If the feed that scans the quantity is more than zero, it will auto publish all the products. If the supplier feeds updated 10 products with more than zero quantity, it will publish those 10 products.

2. Auto hide product for all sales channels or online store

It only hides the product for the variant quantity is zero in all locations, and the continued selling out of stock should be disabled.

The products you want to hide should disable this option in Shopify admin. Refer to this article Continue selling when out of stock to know more.

(a) Do not apply: Don't make any changes

For example: If you don't want to make any changes to hide the products you can select this as no changes.

(b) All products in store: Auto hide all products in store if any one of the variants has zero quantity or less than zero included in all locations. Continue selling when out of stock should be disabled.

For example: In your store has 50 products that have zero quantity and continue selling out of stock is disabled, it will hide all the 50 products in your store.

(c) Matching products within a feed file: Auto hide all matching products within the feed file but the variant quantity is zero.

For example: If the feed that scans the quantity is zero or less than that, it will hide all the products. If the supplier feeds updated 10 products with zero quantity, it will hide those 10 products.

This option only hides the products from the online store instead of from all sales channels.

For example: One of your products is in all sales channels like Facebook, Instagram, and so on. If you want to hide only in the online store so you just need to enable this option after selecting Auto hide product for all sales channels.

Out of Stock Strategy

This feature resets the quantity on the selected location to 0 for UNMATCHED products in the feed.

There are two options for this:

1. Set out of stock to ZERO Quantity

When you enable the toggle, it will enable ALL unmatched variants. So, it will turn ALL unmatched variants from the feed file to zero quantity (out of stock). Please apply Store Product filters to ensure that not all variants become zero.

For example: 10,000 products in the store and 100 products in the feed file. So, when you enable this option it will change all the 9,900 products become zero quantity. We recommend applying Store Product filters instead of making all the store products that do not match with the feed file become zero quantity.

2. Set out of stock to Zero Quantity that was updated by Stock Sync before

When you enable the toggle, it will enable those products that had been updated by Stock Sync before. So, it will update ALL unmatched variants using Stock Sync before to zero quantity (out of stock).

For example: 5,000 products in your store have been updated by Stock Sync before. So, when you enable this option it will update those products that are UNMATCHED from 5000 products become zero quantity. 200 variants UNMATCHED from that 5000 products so 200 products will become zero only. Any product that is UNMATCHED against variants that are updated by Stock Sync before will become zero quantity. If want to reduce the number of variants to be reset to zero, need to apply Store Product filters so that there are NO CHANGES. When there is a Store Product Filter apply Vendor equal to "Nike". It only finds the Nike product that has been updated by Stock Sync before from your store to become zero.

Related to this above option, there is a feature Quantity zero alert. If you want to get notified of the updates that affected the store products that become zero quantity. You can use this feature to stop the update as you set the percentage. Click here to know more.

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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