Zoho Sheet connection method
To connect with the Zoho Sheet, you must have the public Zoho Sheet URL.
To get the URL, you must ensure that the file is publicly downloadable.

To begin, please navigate to the "**Manage Published Spreadsheet**" section.
First, in Publish Options, enable Allow download.
Once done, enable the option. The link should be downloadable.
You can paste the URL below into the Public Zoho Sheet URL section of the Stock Sync app. in the Stock Sync app.
Click the "**Add Param**" button to add a query.
Kindly include the organization ID in the query parameter field. The organization_id can be obtained from the Zoho**.**
Example: organization_id -> 237648989

To get the URL, you must ensure that the file is publicly downloadable.

How do I get the URL link?

To begin, please navigate to the "**Manage Published Spreadsheet**" section.
First, in Publish Options, enable Allow download.
Once done, enable the option. The link should be downloadable.
You can paste the URL below into the Public Zoho Sheet URL section of the Stock Sync app. in the Stock Sync app.
Click the "**Add Param**" button to add a query.
Kindly include the organization ID in the query parameter field. The organization_id can be obtained from the Zoho**.**
Example: organization_id -> 237648989

Updated on: 10/01/2024
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