How can I enable all sales channels for all products in the Shopify admin?
If you want to enable all sales channels for your products, you can use the Bulk Edit feature in your Shopify admin.

Products > Select all the products > Bulk edit > Highlight all the column online store or any sales channel
After you have finished, select the text you want to highlight and enable. Then, click on the "Save" button to save your changes.
If you want to enable the online store sales channel exclusively, you can use the Published Field.
Publish Field > fixed value > published

Products > Select all the products > Bulk edit > Highlight all the column online store or any sales channel
After you have finished, select the text you want to highlight and enable. Then, click on the "Save" button to save your changes.
If you want to enable the online store sales channel exclusively, you can use the Published Field.
Publish Field > fixed value > published
Updated on: 29/04/2024
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