How to cancel my subscription with Stock Sync from Shopify?
To cancel your subscription with Stock Sync, there are 2 options:
1. Downgrade as Free
Navigate to View All Plans in side bar and downgrade it.
2. Remove Stock Sync directly from your store
a. Go to your Shopify store dashboard.
b. On the left panel, click on Apps.

c. Click on "Apps and Sales Channels" and search for Stock Sync. Once you find it, click on "Uninstall".

d. Please share your feedback upon uninstalling so we can evaluate how to make Stock Sync better.
1. Downgrade as Free
Navigate to View All Plans in side bar and downgrade it.
2. Remove Stock Sync directly from your store
a. Go to your Shopify store dashboard.
b. On the left panel, click on Apps.

c. Click on "Apps and Sales Channels" and search for Stock Sync. Once you find it, click on "Uninstall".

d. Please share your feedback upon uninstalling so we can evaluate how to make Stock Sync better.
Updated on: 21/02/2024
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