How to pin or rearrange feeds in Stock Sync?
Stock Sync now allows to pin your feeds. If have certain feeds that are quite important.
The Pin Feed function allows your favorite feed to stay on the top of your dashboard. This way do not have to scroll down to look for your feed.
It's allowed to pin a maximum of 5 feeds on top. Here is how to use it:

Go to the dashboard.
Then, Click on the three dots to Pin feed.
Your preferred feed will be pinned at the top.
Your feed will have the BLUE PIN icon beside the feed name on your dashboard.
To unpin your feed, do the same method to unpin it.
Click refresh icon to see the changes, the feed will drop down back.
The Pin Feed function allows your favorite feed to stay on the top of your dashboard. This way do not have to scroll down to look for your feed.
It's allowed to pin a maximum of 5 feeds on top. Here is how to use it:

Go to the dashboard.
Then, Click on the three dots to Pin feed.
Your preferred feed will be pinned at the top.
Your feed will have the BLUE PIN icon beside the feed name on your dashboard.
To unpin your feed, do the same method to unpin it.
Click refresh icon to see the changes, the feed will drop down back.
Updated on: 15/01/2024
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