I keep getting the error: " Import failed count "

Based on the above image shows a message as 14 products added and 1 failed, where it's meant as import_failed_count {"fail_count"=>1}. Therefore, Stock Sync failed to add the products to your store because of missing fields.
Please make sure that you have mapped the compulsory fields in the Step 2 Field.
Do check the feed data as well, all the fields are filled for every product.
Do not put the same option name for variant option 1 and option 2, it can cause the product to import failed.
Do not leave the title field blank, it also can caused to failed.
Please check all the mappings are correctly mapped accordingly.
If possible check the changes log in below to check the error remark of what caused of failed import.

Updated on: 09/01/2025
Thank you!