Markets - Compare-at Price Field
Available on: ✔️ Update
This field enables stores to adjust Markets - Compare-at Price by country. Click on the smart settings of the field to view available Country Codes. Please ensure you mapped the Markets - Price Field before you map to Markets - Compare-at Price.

There are a few settings for this field which are:

Markets - Compare-at Price condition is used to markdown if used for sales.
How to use Markets - Compare-at Price Conditions according to the examples below:

There is little info regarding the price condition (markup)
i. The Compare-at International Pricing Conditions take effect according to the arrangement. The first conditions have the highest priority. You can move it by using the arrow beside it according to your needs.
ii. Stock Sync now supports Column Value.
iii. Valid price range keywords are:
price (Use it when the comparison values are text)
price_f (Use it when the comparison values are numeric)
col#_f (Use it when the comparison values are numeric)
current_price (Shopify only)
cost (Shopify only)
compare_at_price (Shopify only)
iv. The symbol that is used for the statement:
v. There is another method for pricing conditions that you can use:
For example, col13 = 'ABCD'

The Markets - Compare-at Price delimiter provided in the price field has three options which are Comma, Decimal Point, and auto.

A Markets - Compare-at Price round is used to standardize the prices of the products in the store if a round number is used too often or the prices do not have a clear focus digit.

How to use Markets - Compare-at Price Round according to the examples below:
If you want to use a regional price, select the currency code from the available countries listed here.

For example: If the supplier feed normal price, and you would like to set as USA price code.
Choose the currency code area.
By enabling the toggle icon, it will automatically set to blank when the value in the feed file is blank as there is no value set in compare at price section (zero or '0' are not considered as blank).

Exclude certain products from updating the price using this option. It can be excluded by Vendor, Product Type (Custom), and Product Tags.

For example: Dont update Markets - Compare-at Price when Vendor = Adibas, All products price of Vendor Adibas will not be updated.
This field enables stores to adjust Markets - Compare-at Price by country. Click on the smart settings of the field to view available Country Codes. Please ensure you mapped the Markets - Price Field before you map to Markets - Compare-at Price.

There are a few settings for this field which are:

1. Markets - Compare-at Pricing Condition (Markup)
Markets - Compare-at Price condition is used to markdown if used for sales.
How to use Markets - Compare-at Price Conditions according to the examples below:

Condition (If) | Price (Then) | Result Showing |
current_price == 0 | *0 | If store price = 0, Then multiply by 0 (no changes made) |
any | *1.5 | All prices will be multiplied by 1.5 or markup of 50% |
any | *0 + current_quantity | All SKU prices that match will be multiplied by 0, and add the current_quantity. The current_quantity value will be taken from the store. |
taxable == 1 | *1.5 | If the taxable is 1, it will be multiplied by 1.5 or markup 50% (Only for Shopify) 1: taxable, 0: untaxable |
any | *0 + current_quantity | All SKU prices that match will be multiplied by 0, and add the current_quantity. The current_quantity value will be taken from the store. |
col5! = "" | *0 + col5 | If the column has any value, then use that column as the price. |
any | 0 + (col("price"+80) 1.5 | If the stock price wants to add $80 delivery, then markup 50% or 1.5 |
any | 0 + current_price(col("Option2")/100) | If the product price is based on the store price, it should be discounted based on the value of Option 2. |
col_string ("Vendor") == "shoe" | *1.3 + col("shipping") | If the column name vendor has the value shoe, multiply by 1.3 and add the column shipping value to the price. It can be used for any column and is suitable for adding markup based on the conditions. |
any | + col("InStock") | If the product price wants to add the value from column InStock. It's supported based on the nodes in XML. |
contains ("pink", col_string("Description")) | *1.1 | If the column name Description contains the value of pink from the column, then the price is multiplied by 1.1 or markup 10%. It's used when the value is a string not supported by a column index. |
contains ("4", col("qty")) | *1.5 | If the column name qty contains the value of 4 from the column, then the price is multiplied by 1.5 or a markup 50%. It's used when the value is numeric and not supported by a column index. |
any | *0 + 12.5 | If you want to set the price at 12.5, add 12.5 instead of using equal. It cannot begin with an equal sign. |
price_f > 10 and price_f <= 15 | *1.2 | If the price is more than 10 and equals or below 15, Then, the price is multiplied by 1.2 or a markup of 20%. Use price_f when the comparison values are numeric. |
price_f == 11 | *1.5 | If the price is 11, Then the price is multiplied by 1.5 or a markup 50% |
price > col1_f | *1 + col1 + col2 | If the price is more than column 1, then add column 1 and column 2 to the price. Use col#_f when the comparison values are numeric |
col5 == “shoe” | *1.3 | If column 5 has the value shoe, then multiply by 1.3, It can be used for any column and is suitable for adding markup based on collections. |
price_f < 1 | *0 + current_price | If the price is less than 1, Then it will use the current price in-store (Shopify only). Use price_f when the comparison values are numeric. |
Price == “high” | *1.2 | If the price is equal to "high", Then multiply by 1.2, Use price when comparison values are text |
any | *0.1 | All the prices will be multiplied by 0.1 or markdown 10% |
price == “discount” | *1.5 | If the price is equal to the "discount", Then it will multiply by 1.5 0r 50%, which markdown the price. |
cost < 40 | *1.2 | If the cost in the store is less than 40. Then multiply the price by 1.2, The cost value will be taken from the store. (Shopify only) |
compare_at_price > 10 | *1.5 | If compare at a price in the store is more than 10, Then multiply the price by 1.5, The compare at price value will be taken from the store. (Shopify only) |
any | /0.2 | All the prices will be divided by 0.2 |
col4_date > now | *1.2 | If the col4 date is more than current_timestamp, Then multiply by 1.2 or markup 20%. Use col4_date when the comparison is a date. Now refers to current_timestamp |
col4_date > today | *1.2 | If the col4 date is more than current_timestamp, Then multiply by 1.2, Use col4_date when the comparison is a date. Today refers to today’s date |
There is little info regarding the price condition (markup)
i. The Compare-at International Pricing Conditions take effect according to the arrangement. The first conditions have the highest priority. You can move it by using the arrow beside it according to your needs.
ii. Stock Sync now supports Column Value.
iii. Valid price range keywords are:
price (Use it when the comparison values are text)
price_f (Use it when the comparison values are numeric)
col#_f (Use it when the comparison values are numeric)
current_price (Shopify only)
cost (Shopify only)
compare_at_price (Shopify only)
iv. The symbol that is used for the statement:
Symbol | Details |
== | equal to |
<= | less than or equal to |
>= | more than or equal to |
> | more than |
< | less than |
and | only true when both statements are true |
or | true when either statement is true |
v. There is another method for pricing conditions that you can use:
For example, col13 = 'ABCD'

Formulae | Explanation |
contains('BC',col13) | If you want to select only 'BC' from the whole text, 'ABCD' |
contains('Large' , col13) != true | Don't update the price when it contains the word Large != (Not Equal) |
left(col13, 2) == 'AB' | If you want to select only 2 letters from the left side of the whole text. |
right(col13, 2) == 'CD' | If you want to select only 2 letters from the right side of the whole text. |
mid(col13, 2, 2) == 'BC' | If you want to select only 2 letters in the middle of the whole text. |
len(col13) == 4 | If you want to select the whole text, the total number of letters must be indicated there. Example: 4 indicated the length of the letters. |
find('BC', col13) == 2 | If you want to find only 2 letters from the whole text. |
substitute(col13, 'BC', 'XY') == 'AXYD' | If you want to substitute selected text from the whole text replace it with another alphabet. |
max(price, col2, col3) | max(12,10,9) == 12, If you want to take the maximum value from the three columns, you can use this method. |
min(price, col2, col3) | max(12,10,9) == 9, If you want to take the minimum value from the three-column, you can use this method. |
2. Markets - Compare-at Price Delimiter
The Markets - Compare-at Price delimiter provided in the price field has three options which are Comma, Decimal Point, and auto.

3. Markets - Compare-at Price Round
A Markets - Compare-at Price round is used to standardize the prices of the products in the store if a round number is used too often or the prices do not have a clear focus digit.

How to use Markets - Compare-at Price Round according to the examples below:
Round off example | Result Showing |
##.00 or ##.000 | It will change it from 12.57 to 12.00 or 12.573 to 12.000 |
##.#0 or ##.#00 | Change it from 12.57 to 12.50 or 12.573 to 12.500 |
##.## or ##.##0 | Change it from 12.57 to 12.57 or 12.573 to 12.570 |
##.## or ##.### | Change it from 12.57 to 12.57 or 12.573 to 12.573 (Doesn't have any changes) |
##.99 | Change it from 12.570 to 12.599 |
##.95 | Change it from 12.57 to 12.95 |
##.97 | Change it from 12.57 to 12.97 |
##.#99 | Change it from 12.570 to 12.599 |
##9.00 | Change it from 121.57 to 129.00 |
##5.00 | Change it from 123.57 to 125.00 |
##9.99 | Change it from 127.57 to 129.99 |
##,000.00 | Change it from 12,453.57 to 12,000.00 |
##,#00.00 | Change it from 12,345.57 to 12,300.00 |
##,##0.00 | Change it from 12,346.57 to 12,340.00 |
##,#99.00 | Change it from 12,345.57 to 12,399.00 |
##9 (from #.#9 to ##9,000). eg. 129000, 12900, 1290, 129, 12.9... | Change it from 12.57 to 12.90 or 145.67 to 149.00, All the third digits of the number will change to 9 followed by 0. |
nearest whole number (from #1.## to #2.00) | Change it from 12.57 to 13.00 or 135.33 to 136.00, Every whole number will be rounded up. Its meant added by 1 |
4. Currency Code
If you want to use a regional price, select the currency code from the available countries listed here.

For example: If the supplier feed normal price, and you would like to set as USA price code.
Choose the currency code area.
5. Set store value to blank when feed value is blank (value zero is not blank)
By enabling the toggle icon, it will automatically set to blank when the value in the feed file is blank as there is no value set in compare at price section (zero or '0' are not considered as blank).

6. Don't update the Markets - Compare-at Price when ...
Exclude certain products from updating the price using this option. It can be excluded by Vendor, Product Type (Custom), and Product Tags.

For example: Dont update Markets - Compare-at Price when Vendor = Adibas, All products price of Vendor Adibas will not be updated.
Updated on: 23/01/2025
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