Articles on: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Out of Stock (OOS) vs Auto Clear Discontinued

Managing your inventory via two ways such as Out of Stock (OOS) and Auto Clear Discontinued. Here's a simple guide to help you understand and choose the right option for your store.

Out of Stock (OOS)

What It Does:

Sets Stock to Zero: When a product is unavailable, it updates the stock quantity to zero.
Keeps Product Visible: The product stays on your website, showing customers it’s out of stock.

Auto Clear Discontinued

What It Does:

Removes Products: When a product is permanently discontinued, it’s removed from your store. There are two methods available such as archive the product or remove it permanently.

Quick Comparison

FeatureOut of Stock (OOS)Auto Clear Discontinued
VisibilityProduct remains on the websiteProduct is removed
Customer Info Shows product as out of stockProduct not visible to customers
RestockingEasy to update stock quantityProduct needs to be re-added
Catalog ManagementMay cause some clutterKeeps catalog clean and updated
Best ForTemporarily unavailable productsPermanently discontinued products

Updated on: 05/08/2024

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