Does adding new products create duplicate products in the store?
The Add Product feed checks for existing product identifiers to avoid creating duplicates, ensuring products are added without generating duplicate identifiers.
You can use various product identifiers, such as SKU, Barcode, or any custom metafield you set up. Specify which identifier to use in the matching column (Step 2), and the SKU will not be overwritten.
If you want to add variants to your existing products, you can use merge variants to existing products options in add feed.
You can use various product identifiers, such as SKU, Barcode, or any custom metafield you set up. Specify which identifier to use in the matching column (Step 2), and the SKU will not be overwritten.
If you want to add variants to your existing products, you can use merge variants to existing products options in add feed.
Updated on: 08/01/2025
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