Articles on: Matching Column

Product Identifier field

Available on: ✔️ Add ✔️ Update ✔️ Export ✔️ Remove
This field is the most essential that needs to be mapped for an update or adding new products or removing products.
There are many options you can use as identifiers.
You can also set multiple column on this field.

There are a few options for the Product Identifier field which is help you to match the store product with feed file. Do set the one which suitable for your feed file. Can refer to below:

Please note that for the add feed only got three options available which are SKUs, Barcode and URL/Handle.

There are a few settings for this field which are:

1. Store Prefix/Postfix

If your product's SKU in the store contain any of the value infront or at the back. We can set the prefix or postfix, so it will easily match within the feed file.

It supports wildcards and separated by comma.

By adding store prefix on the add product feed, it will append to the SKU.

Store Prefix
For example: SKU in the store is ABC1234, and in the feed file 12345. Then, include ABC to match with the feed file.

Store Postfix
To include postfix, need to add $ after the value.
For example: SKU in the store is 12345LESS, and in the feed file is 12345. Then, the prefix is LESS$

Prefix/Postfix supports wildcards too.
For example: Given prefix - will remove the dash from XYZ-123 to match with XYZ123

2. Feed Prefix/Postfix

If your product's SKU in the feed contain any value infront or at the back. We can set the prefix or postfix, so it will easily match within the store.

Handles also support the prefixes. It's supported by the comma separated value.

Feed Prefix To ignore all the prefixes from your feed file to match the store SKU.
For example:
ONE123, TWO123, THREE123 and just put in the field as ONE, TWO, THREE

Way to remove the link from the feed as a store
For example:
From the feed: 120-cm-chene-et-blanc-brillant-2502081
Store: meuble tele buffet tv television design pratique 2 pcs agglomere 120 cm chene et blanc brilliant 2502081/2
Prefix that can be used to ignore the link: HTTPS:\/\/WWW.HELLOSHOP26.FR\/PRODUCTS\/

Feed Postfix
To ignore all the postfixes from your feed file to match the store SKU.
For example:
123GONE, 123HEREand just put in the field as GONE, HERE to remove it.

Feed Prefix and Postfix supports wirldcard and special character too.
For examples:
1. Given prefix - will remove the dash from XYZ-123 to match with XYZ123
2. If feed file has D-AU-45* and you want to remove the asterisk * at the end.
D-AU-45* Just use this [*] as a postfix
3. If has special character and want remove it.
ABC$123 and the postfix are $123, To remove the postfix, you need to include** \$123**
4. If your feed file has this SKU: AB310 4/4M and your store SKU:** AB310-4/4M**
To remove the space and add the dash to match the SKU, you can add a store prefix as [-] and a Feed prefix as [ ]

3. Product Key Separator

If your products in the feed contain any product key separator, can specify it.

4. Case Sensitive

To enable the upper or lower capital identifiers.

5. Update duplicate products with same product identifier

If have multiple products with the same product identifier, enable it this option so that the update won't overwrite each other.

Updated on: 27/05/2024

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