Articles on: Matching Column

Product Images Field

Available on: ✔️ Add ✔️ Update ✔️ Export

Multiple Image in Different Column

Multiple Image in One Column

Need to use Image Column Separator as per your feed file. The image above is used ","

Support publicly downloadable images only. Images that require a login, FTP, or Google Drive link to download are not supported.
You can use Product Video Link Field for update videos in your products. Downloadable video is not supported in Shopify. The video needs to be hosted on Youtube or Vimeo.

There are a few settings for this field which are:

1. Only add images if the product has no image & Skip existing images and import new images (✔️ Update)

By default, it will only add images if the product has no image. If selected the second option, it will import new instead of the existing images.

2. Image Alt Column Mapping

If Stock Sync could not load or find the images that have been specified in the product images column mapping. Map the Image Alt to display text as a replacement.

3. URL prefix

It helps for adding a URL prefix to every image link. It can use when there are images not specified with domains and only have the file path or filename.

For example: If image in feed file hello.jpg and want to add a URL prefix.
By using <image_file> to replace the file name in feed file.
URL prefix "<image_file>.jpg".

4. CDN/Proxy URL

Before enabling Modify image URL, make sure there is an image extension for the URL in the feed file and setup needed.

If enabled, it will deliver the image that is not retrievable via the link. Click here to know more about the setup.

For example: image extesion hello.jpg

5. Default Image URL

It can set a default image URL when the product has no image in its column. It supports multiple default images separated by a comma.

For example:,

6. Image column Separator

To specify if the image field uses a different type of column separator. By default, it will use as auto selection.

7. URL Option

Unescape url will decode the URL by replacing some characters. If enabled, it will decode the URL by replacing some characters.

For example: https%3A// will change to https// if enable it.

8. Clear matching product images before importing as new

This option will remove all the existing images. It will revert to disabled after the process to avoid deleting and adding more images.

It will only clear the SKU images that match the feed file with the store.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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