Configuration Questions
How to generate WooCommerce API key (permission)
Did the syncX: Stock Sync app not receive the email to process the feed?
I keep getting the error: "Type 'single_line_text_field' must be consistent with the definition's type: 'URL' in the error remark column "
I keep getting the error: "no match found"
Quantity Zero Alert Warning Messages
I keep getting the error: "The variant Default Title already exists."
How to use Regular Expression in Stock Sync?
I keep getting the error: " Store is empty "
How to access Private files on Google Drive or Google Sheet?
How to update multiple products with the same SKU and Barcode?
Update halt: detected over 10% - 100% inventory set to zero
How to Undo Added Product(s) by Stock Sync?
How to manage duplicate SKUs with multiple vendors?
How to change my email receive in Stock Sync?
I keep getting the error: " Import failed count "
Why am I getting an error as "Find words fail regular expression check".
What does Timeout while connecting to Source HOST & Connection timeout while reading mean?
Shopify daily limits reached, automatically continue importing the next day
No Failed. Response code = 502. Response message = Bad Gateway (Error)
How to manage SKU and Handle?
How to input prefixes to SKU in Update Feed?
How to map to brand field from WooCommerce?
How to update Collection field of a product?
Why am I getting an error message stating "Value does not exist in provided choices [value, value]"?
Remove halt: detected over 1% - 100% remove products / variants
How to check if my FTP/SFTP connection is working?
When I get an error as "Please check the settings"
I keep getting an error "Fail to auto detect file format"
I keep getting the error: "Failed. Response code = 500. Response message = Internal Server Error.."
Why I keep getting the error: "Insufficient Credits. Please buy more credits to continue"
Why I getting an error as "Please check the file name and file permission."
I keep getting the error: "File not found. Please check file name "
Fixed rate Currency Converter
I keep getting the error: "Feed is disabled"
Does Stock Sync support zip file(s)?
Does Stock Sync updates product in fulfilment location?
Keep on getting an error as "Authentication failed. Please check your login and password."
I am having trouble mapping my source file columns. What are the column headers/index? What do the various attributes do?
File encoding issue in Stock Sync
WooCommerce API error
I keep getting the error: "Connection fail. Please check Source Host. "
I keep getting the error: "The file is corrupted. Please ensure the file is valid"
Failed. Response code = 500 / 520. Response message = Internal Server Error
Remove Product Warning Messages
How to set the current date-time for a date metafield?
I keep getting the error: "Invalid file"
How to remove all links from the description field?
Why my products are not updated on the Shopify catalogs?
Why I keep getting the error: "Lack of Credit to Import ."
I getting the error: "Please check field errors below"
I keep getting the error: "Fail to merge new SKU with options"
I keep getting the error: "Feed file empty"
I getting the error: "The quantities couldn't be adjusted. Try again."
How can I troubleshoot if I have the error list file provided?
Why am I getting an error as "Unauthorized access?"
Why I get an error as "Ensure the file format is {{file_format}}."
How to turn on automatic forwarding in Outlook for Stock Sync?
How to Check the Stores Syncing with Your Inventory in Stock Sync?
How should I markup product pricing?
I keep getting the message: "Update didn't perform. Feed have the same data value as the previous run"
I keep getting error: "Inventory item not allowed to be Adjusted via API"
Can I use Bundle with syncX: stock sync?
I keep getting the error: "Title can't be blank"
Imports are not functioning because the service is unavailable in my store
How do I set the stock of all products to 0 in a specific location?
If you have archived all your products and want to reactivate them, is that possible?
Can we add a prefix or postfix during the add process?
I keep getting the error: "The file is not supported on trial accounts."
How to get Gmail auto forward confirmation code for syncX: Stock Sync?
I keep getting the error: "Missing combination of Product Option (Color,Size) and Variant Option (Title) "
I keep getting the error: "The feed is not found. Please check the source URL or feed availability"
I keep getting the error: "Missing Inventory ID for Variant"
How to Export Inventory for a Specific Location in syncX: Stock Sync?
I keep getting the error: "Option values provided for 1 unknown option(s)"
I keep getting the error: "The product couldn't be stocked at <location> because the inventory is managed by <location>. "
Why does my tag have characters like [ ] brackets?
Is it possible to reverse or undo the update?
How can I resolve the issue of getting a default title when importing?
How to merge variants with existing products?
Is there a way for the inventory feed to update twice daily or more?
Why is my WooCommerce store showing the error "Store server overload. Please retry or upgrade web hosting"?
Does the extended feed data work using columns in syncX: Stock Sync?
Can I upload images via FTP using syncX: Stock Sync?
Does the extended feed data work using column separator in syncX: Stock Sync?
Preference Questions
How to schedule or automate the feeds in syncX: Stock Sync?
Where to get the public token to share with your buyers?
Use the highest quantity value when the same SKU is detected across multiple feeds in Stock Sync.
Why email process only runs at a certain time period?
Exceeded the store’s variant count limit?
How do i set the metafield content type true and false value?
How to configure Low Stock Alert?
How Stock Sync help you save more time?
How does Stock Sync affect other apps?
How to get notify for sync success or failure?
Total variant(s) in-store?
How to pin or rearrange feeds in Stock Sync?
How can the app be translated into your language?
How to add Collaborators to your account?
Billing Questions
How does Credit work?
How does Stock Sync pricing work (billing page)?
How to Subscribe Custom Plan?
Why am I receiving the error "The shop can't accept the provided charge" when trying to purchase credits?
What is Support or Priority Support?
Can I get a refund for my credits?
What do I need to pay for syncX: Stock Sync?
How can I switch from a Paid Plan to a Free Plan?
How to cancel my subscription with Stock Sync from Shopify?
Does Stock Sync able to scrape products from stores?
Alternate method to purchase credits
What are the Benefits of the New Custom Plan?
Stock Sync Billing Charges and issue
Are inventory feeds charged separate or do they fall under the $25.00 a month?
My vendors update about once a year
Can I add images on a different feed for my products?
Is there a discount if I have multiple stores using syncX: Stock Sync?
General Questions
How to replace the Files in Google Drive without changing the link?
Does adding new products create duplicate products in the store?
How can I enable all sales channels for all products in the Shopify admin?
Top 10 reasons why the inventory updated wrongly?
What is Not in Feed (Unmatched Variants)?
How to handle comma in variant option?
Is there a way to filter by location for Shopify store to store?
How can you create a market via Shopify admin?
Is Stock Sync able to preview sync without any updates?
Is Stock Sync ONLY updates inventory from one main store to sub-store/s? (Single Direction)
How to check for New Added product/s in your store?
What is the variant size and feed limit in Stock Sync?
How to check Stock Sync Change log, Not in feed and Not in store ?
How to Login & Sign Up to EKM?
Is it possible to sync to multiple pick up locations?
How to Update Metafield Date Content Type in Shopify?
How to calculate the total variant count in store?
How to Login & Sign Up to Squarespace?
How to create automated collections based on tags?
What is Queuing or Running Feed?
Check product(s) added on Shopify admin with tag
How to remove tags from the product?
What are the difference between profit margin and markup?
Do we support variant or product SKU Metafield as a Product Identifier?
Is there a limit for image upload and variants for products?
Stock Sync app can manual sync with Shopify Flow?
I am unable to upload my source file. What is going on?
Can I translate any of the fields to another language?
What does XX% updated means?
What is Activity Log representing ?
Is there a way to exclude products of which the cell in the feed is empty?
Stock Sync VS Syncee
Do you have any Affiliate or Partner programme?
Multiple suppliers selling the same item and they have the same SKU
How can I quick change Stock Sync between two different store?
Does Stock Sync support product bundling?
If there is a duplicate SKU in the store, will it update both as "Out of Stock"?
How to edit the feed name/title?
Why the number of SKU matched is not 100%?
Does Stock Sync support live/real-time updates?
Do Shopify products have to be uploaded to Stock Sync before I can use Stock Sync to update/manage them?
Is Stock Sync available for SquareSpace merchants?
Do Shopify Staff will get free ProX plan ?
Does Stock Sync publish product to Facebook and other sales channel?
How to Login & Sign Up to Square?
Does Stock Sync support multiple variant value in a single column?
Why the Stock Sync app couldnt be loaded in the Shopify admin and how to enable cookies?
What does dash (-) represent in Change Log?
Why the out of stock count is so high?
Import three products NOT required credits
I enabled auto-publish, why is it showing the error "Publication does not exist or is not publishable"?
How can I handle my plan once I've installed Stock Sync?
I have multiple shopify stores. Can I create ONE stock sync subscription for multiple stores?
How to change the connection type ?
How to Delete Metafields in Shopify with Stock Sync?
If I create a feed to synchronize new products and inventory from my two stores, which store should I use?
If there are duplicate images, will they be updated?
How to Map Metafields in Shopify Store-to-Store Connections on Other Platforms?
How does On Hand Quantity and Available Quantity work?
Out of Stock (OOS) vs Auto Clear Discontinued
How to update the status field on my variants?
Is it possible to sync two product SKUs that have the same inventory?
Limitation on the Add Process
Products are uploaded without image and seeing processing error
How to Upload CSV Files Larger Than 35MB in Stock Sync?
How to Copy a Feed to Another Store Using the Public Token?
Can syncX: Stock Sync update descriptions containing HTML tags?
Variant Option limit for each product
How to markup price for products in certain category or product type?
How to Export Shopify Product IDs from Google Sheets with Sorting?
If you change your domain name in WooCommerce, will the feed stop working?
How long is the Free Trial for syncX: Stock Sync?
Is barcode field support in the WooCommerce store?
How can I disable or pause the feed?
Is there a limit for the test connection in the source feed?
Why store sync not working ?
How can I download products from the store?
How to automatically update store price with the lowest supplier price using the same SKU?
How can I filter certain rows from being update or add?
Will syncX: Stock Sync add new products if using Update product feed?
Where can I find "Manage Account" in syncX: Stock Sync?
How to access the syncX: Stock Sync YouTube channel?
How to transfer credit to a different store?
What is included in the free plan?
Why is my metafield grayed out and disabled?
What is the whitelist IP address for standard connections?
Do we support StockX (supplier) with the Shopify store?
How to Connect to another ERP Platform?
How can certain fields be excluded from updates?
How do I add a quantity rule?
How to set Compare at Price or Cost Field as blank Instead of a numerical value?
I keep getting the error: "limit of 250 media per product reached"
How to Set Up Date of Arrival, ETA, Incoming Date, Next Delivery in Your Online Store?
I keep getting the error: "Bundles are not compatible with this store"
I keep getting the error: "all variant's product identifier are blank"
How can I update stock for size variants that share the same SKU in my feed?